воскресенье, 16 февраля 2020 г.


So the beginning part of the packet in the brackets, does it need to be modifyied at all? Results 1 to 15 of Once you get all those going then you should obviously download the v Setup File After everything is done downloading then you need to double click the setup and run. Would this work for the private server: The forum has migrated. boredms v111

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Results 1 to 15 of Here's an item list.

Please vv111 not use this forum anymore. I recommend that you save it on your desktop. Originally Posted by brdxl How do you get more ids? Originally Posted by iAngeIiK.

boredms v111

Donate All trademarks, copyrights and borefms belongs to their respective owners. By visiting this site you agree to its Terms of Service and Conditions which is subject to change at any time.

boredms v111

Permissions in this forum: All times are GMT I really wanted to plat on this server but i dont know how to download it. One other thing is that i recommend you turn your firewall off so that you have no trouble connecting to the server but if you don't feel comfortable doing that then that's fine and you can noredms connecting without turning the firewall off. When setup is done then you need to open all the wz files you downloaded and extract all those files into the v Folder on your desktop.

MapleStory Private Server Hacks. Once you get all those going then you should obviously download the v Setup File After everything is done downloading then you need to double click the setup and run. The time now is Also i recommend downloading the wz files from the separate 1v11 they have since the all-in-one link has a history of not working.

Simply because I dislike having this floating around, and if it's going to be abused, it might as well be abused widespread. So the beginning part of the packet in the brackets, does it need to be modifyied at all? If this doesn't work on vindicated or bored, then this is useless lmfao cause noone plays any other v server.


The new forum can be found at http: Last Jump to page: My skype username is gegulika and i live in chicago. For instance, the item Korean Fan's itemID is It changes the 4 items boerdms get when making your character into GM hats.

boredms v111

Item Creation exploit v1. Resources saved on this page: Also you will need to download the game client from the site as well. I don't like giving idiots ways to ruin servers, if you can't decipher then oh well.

How to install BoredMS (simplified version)

You cannot reply to topics in this forum. Page 1 of 1.

This one is like vvwvwv or something. The forum has migrated. To get hex ID's, you just find the itemID of the item bogedms want and convert it to hex decimal to hexadecimal. When is converted to hex, it is ""

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