четверг, 13 февраля 2020 г.


NET framwork so i did not set up again. Sign up using Email and Password. You'll need your IBM i folks to download it for you, or help you get access. I think the CA driver is 32 bit, but I could be wrong. Then, click the Connect to iSeries and Get data test button. ibmda400 ole db provider

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Close the connection failure dialog and re-select the Provider tab.

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Hiabercrombieande Thank you for your proviserwhen i set up in win Xo pro it run as welbut it did not work on Win7? Is client access installed on the Win7 machine?

So if you are running under Win7, you HAVE to have the ptf's for win 7 loaded on your system, and upgraded to your Win7 pc CA after they are loaded, or things in CA wont work correctly.

ibmda400 ole db provider

If I dont ibjda400 anything, and the provider installed as expected and everything The Select Data Source window displays. Sign up to join this community. Sign up using Facebook. Does anyone has experience about this.

Install and Test OLE DB Provider · Customer Portal

NET I need to set up. In the InstallShield Wizard, click on Providsr to change which program features are installed. October 2nd, The following window also may display.

Login or Sign Up. But in Win7 it include.

IBM i Access for Windows OLE DB provider

Database Administrators Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for database professionals who wish to improve their database skills and learn from others in the community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. If you want to use the Microsoft provider, you'd need to use the Microsoft provider's name and not IBM's provider name.

September 30th, Submit a case to Ibmad400 Support. October 27th, October 3rd, When the Security Warning window displays, click Enable Macros. I do not think they are diffirent.

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Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Asked 1 year, 9 months ago. Then, click the Connect to iSeries and Get data test button. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

It appears as if the previous collegue responsible for this set up has used the link here in order to set up these connections.

ibmda400 ole db provider

The Data Link Properties window redisplays with the database file you selected in the Select or enter a database name field. Using the Dh Access Database window, locate a database file. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.

How do we handle problem users? If the connection is successful, the Microsoft Data link dialog displays with the following message. The application must also be compiled with debugging enabled.

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