понедельник, 17 февраля 2020 г.


User Review 0 0 votes. What about your promotion work and your relation with press at the moment? Katy might be a heck of a singer, but there are too many instances where her skills prove to be too much. I do it for the sheer joy of making music and singing. Adult Situations is their fourth full length. Most of the songs seem to be about longing for another man. Fight fans may recognize the latter, as Greco was once a professional boxer. mena brinno wicked polly

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Where do you find your inspiration for music and lyrics?

MENA BRINNO - Katy Decker interview - Wicked Polly (2009) - HEAVY SOUND SYSTEM

We put alot of heart and soul into what we did and just did what we enjoyed. Subject matter is another issue with Wicked Polly. Be the first to comment Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

Which artist you work with or you worked with impress ed you the most? What can the audience expect from Mena Brinno on stage? Needless to say, this bginno can wail!

Wicked Polly : Mena Brinno - Album's lyrics

Hrinno about your promotion work and your relation with press at the moment? He pays attention to the details and is honestly very classical in his approach.

mena brinno wicked polly

Learn how your comment data is processed. Great books and films for sure. Adult Situations brijno their fourth full length. Most of the songs seem to be about longing for another man. Mena Brinno is a female-fronted Metal band from Tampa, Florida.

We got some good reviews but I think Mena Brinno is still really finding a sound that works well between guitar and vocals. What would you say to make people listen to it and buy it? The guitars, which are potentially as strong as Katy, need a breath of life and the uninspired Folk bits could do with the same.

Mena Brinno - Wicked Polly - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

Do you wickked a good feed back about your "Wicked Polly" album? For the recording of Wicked Pollythe drums are beaten by Jeff Thal. My name is Katy Decker and I first started playing music when I was about 2 years old. September 6, The Ripper AlbumReviews 0. What Folk there is sounds forced and a little too playful to be taken seriously. Katy single-handedly subdues her bandmates. Latest on Metal Express Radio. Fight fans may recognize the latter, as Greco was once a professional boxer.

That story was one we told twice because the story existed in two well known poems. Anything that inspires me.

Reminds me of my favorite accompanist in graduate school, Martin Leigh, who I always chose for public performances because he cared so much about what he did and was very generous with his time and making sure he really listened to the singers he accompanied. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

mena brinno wicked polly

He has gone on to being a very well known conductor in Great Britain. My first band was Royal Anguish…. I do it for the sheer joy of making music and singing. Well, my favorite track on Wicked Polly was Banks of the Ohio.

I love classical, movie soundtracks and metal. My co-worker in Mena Brinno, Marius Kozlowski, is always my first choice because of the time and care he puts into each and every single thing he does in music. KATY se charge de vous raconter la suite Katy might be a heck po,ly a singer, but there are too many wickes where her skills prove to be too much.

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